Jiyoon Lee

Jiyoon Lee

Ph.D. Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 2011
TESOL MA program
Office: Sherman Hall A Wing, Room 410
Phone: 410-455-1740
Email: jiyoon@umbc.edu
Dr. Jiyoon Lee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at UMBC. Her research explores issues of teachers’ and learners’ language assessment literacy. She has published her work in journals including TESOL Quarterly, Language Testing, Modern Language Journal, English Today, and English Teaching. Prior to her appointment at UMBC, she was on faculty at the University of Georgia and closely worked with pre-service and in-service ESOL teachers. She received a Spencer Small Grant in 2022 regarding a study on community college ESL instructors’ and learners’ language assessment literacy. She received the 2024 Outstanding Faculty Award from the UMBC Alumni Association and will be a residential research fellow at the Dresher Center for Fall 2025.

Dr. Lee received her B.A. in English language and literature from Ewha Womans University in S. Korea, M.S. Ed. in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania.